Welcome to the Swansea Public Schools Digital Backpack!
Following is the list of flyers that would have come home in paper format, now easily viewed digitally. We hope to provide parents, guardians and students with direct access to information and events in our community in a manner that streamlines access and reduces waste.

Substitute Teachers and Paraeducators needed! Do you want to work with kids, make a difference in their lives and get paid? Swansea Public Schools is hiring for substitute teachers and substitute paraeducators. Contact Marlene or Amanda in Central Administration at 508-675-1195 for more information.

April Vacation Camp at YMCA

Sign up today for Case Softball Clinic on April 12th.
The 2024 District and School Report Cards are published. Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card. The district and individual school report cards are designed to show families how our district and individual schools are doing in different areas. They look at district and school performances, by providing information on student achievement, teacher qualifications, student learning opportunities, student attendance, student performance on state tests and much more.

Registration for Summer Camp at Stoico/FirstFed YMCA is now open. Visit the YMCA website for more information.

Please join the Joseph Case Junior High School PTO

The Behavioral Health Help Line (BHHL) connects individuals and families to the full range of treatment services for mental health and substance use offered in Massachusetts, including outpatient, urgent, and immediate crisis care. Call for real-time support, initial clinical assessment, and connection to the right evaluation and treatment.